Ready, steady, go! INEOS "GO Run For Fun" run gets kids in the Main-Taunus region moving
Frankfurt, Germany

Frankfurt am Main – July 10, 2015 – “GO Run For Fun” – the children’s run staged by INEOS, was held today for the first time in the Arboretum Main-Taunus forest park in Schwalbach, Germany. The aim of the event was to inspire the more than 500 students from the Obermayr International School Schwalbach, the Georg Kerschensteiner School in Schwalbach and the Phorms School Frankfurt Taunus to lead an active and healthy lifestyle. The mascot Dart and Björn Otto, Olympic medal winner in pole vaulting and “GO Run For Fun” ambassador in Germany, fired the starting pistol.
Hermann Gröhe, the German Minister for Health, agreed to act as patron of “GO Run For Fun” in Germany. The Ministry of Health also gave “GO Run For Fun” permission to use the logo “Supporting the Goals of IN FORM” – IN FORM is Germany’s initiative for a healthy diet and more exercise.
Jim Ratcliffe, Chief Executive Officer of INEOS, says about the initiative: “GO Run For Fun is solely about motivating children to run. There’s no link to our business activities, apart from the fact that we’re providing the money to get this program up and running. We’ve no shareholders who can exert an influence or products that consumers can buy. It’s all about getting children to run and have fun at the same time.”
The Main-Taunus event is part of a global “Go Run For Fun” series that INEOS, the parent group of the Frankfurt-based company INEOS Styrolution has launched. “GO Run For Fun” events have already been held in the UK, the U.S., Switzerland, Belgium and France with a total of almost 79,000 children. By 2016, INEOS intends to get 100,000 children all round the world on their feet and inspire them to lead an active, health-conscious lifestyle.
We wish to thank Denn’s Biomarkt for the healthy apples, as well as the sponsors, such as PricewaterhouseCoopers, Accenture and MetricStream, for their kind support. We also thank the employees of INEOS Paraform, INEOS Melamines and INEOS INEOS Styrolution who lent their energetic support to the event on site and, for example, acted as marshals along the course, supplied the kids with healthy snacks and drinks or contributed to the entertainment program.
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